Something seems a little off, and you might wonder, Do I have a thyroid problem?
Maybe fluctuations in your bodily temperature are tipping you off. Or you’ve noticed your hair isn’t as thick as it once was. Possibly your weight has shifted, even though you haven’t changed your diet or activity levels.
Before going to your doctor, read this article to ensure you are getting the correct labs drawn and know what to ask for. Not all doctors take a full look at how your thyroid is functioning, so it’s essential to speak up and advocate for your health.
Your thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck. That tiny gland plays a significant role in your endocrine system. It helps communicate messages about your metabolism, heart rate, temperature regulation, and even your mood!
Because your thyroid is responsible for regulating several bodily processes and functions when your levels are too high or too low, communication gets messed up, processes don’t work optimally, and symptoms appear.
Several factors can contribute to imbalanced thyroid levels including:
Autoimmune thyroid diseases can also commonly cause hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Autoimmune thyroid disease is when your immune system attacks your own body, in this case, your thyroid. This keeps your thyroid from producing the optimal amount of thyroid hormone (resulting in Hashimoto’s). Or in some cases, it over-stimulates your thyroid and causes Grave’s disease.
In the beginning stages of an autoimmune thyroid disorder or thyroid disorder in general, you may just show slight symptoms, or they may be dismissed as other problems and it gets overlooked. However, if left untreated, it can progress into more severe health issues.
This is why you must get your thyroid checked with a comprehensive thyroid panel that includes thyroid antibodies to assess for any autoimmune thyroid component.
If you struggle with a thyroid issue, getting care from a functional medicine provider is highly recommended. Many conventional doctors are taught to only check TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and Free T4 if you are on medications. Unfortunately, that doesn’t show you the full picture.
A functional medicine provider will order a comprehensive evaluation of multiple thyroid biomarkers to accurately see if your thyroid is working optimally and if your body is using those hormones correctly.
There are primary care practitioners who do not run full-spectrum thyroid panel testing, but comprehensive labs for thyroid markers are available to TDW Community members.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is released by the pituitary gland and tells your thyroid how much hormone to make. Measuring TSH levels can tell us if the communication between your pituitary gland (within your brain) and your thyroid is optimal. If your TSH levels are too high, it suggests you may have hypothyroidism.
T4 is known as Thyroxine and it’s the main output your thyroid produces. Knowing how much free FT4 is floating around in your bloodstream can tell us how much is still available to be converted into the active form.
When a specific area of your body needs energy, your T4 is converted into FT3. We need to measure these levels because your body may be producing T4, but not able to convert it to FT3. Chronic inflammation must be addressed to improve the conversion of Free T4 to Free T3. Unfortunately, this issue is very common and leads to hypothyroid symptoms.
T4 can also be converted into reverse T3. Since reverse T3 competes with FT3’s receptor sites, having elevated reverse T3 can lead to hypothyroidism symptoms. When this is seen on lab results, it’s mostly a consequence of systematic inflammation rather than from a thyroid issue.
These labs can tell us if you may have an autoimmune thyroid disorder. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies attack the enzymes responsible for producing your thyroid hormones. Thyroglobulin antibodies attack thyroglobulin, which is a protein your thyroid uses to produce its hormones. If these levels are elevated, it’s a sign of Hashimoto’s.
Given all of the information the above levels can tell about your thyroid health, it is vital to get a full thyroid panel workup. Your conventional doctor may miss the fact that your thyroid disorder is actually an autoimmune thyroid disorder.
You can see why we need the full picture to thoroughly understand all of what’s going on with your thyroid. It’s not as simple as ordering a TSH and Free T4.
Even if your doctor does run a full thyroid panel, some doctors determine that your levels are “good” – but what’s considered “normal” by conventional healthcare standards is not always “optimal” from a functional medicine perspective.
I always go by labs and symptoms when I treat my patients.
Your levels could be on the edge of the “normal” thyroid level ranges. This means that certain processes in your body are not working at their full potential, and will mostly likely cross that line of “abnormal” given some time or may be causing symptoms. If a functional medicine provider sees your thyroid levels are within the normal range, but on one end of the spectrum, they will likely recommend lifestyle, supplement and dietary changes while monitoring the thyroid more closely.
If your thyroid is not optimal and you need medication management, it is important to have your thyroid managed by someone experienced.
Unlike conventional doctors who may hand over levothyroxine or another prescription for the rest of your life, functional medicine providers use dietary, lifestyle, supplement, and sometimes medications to improve thyroid function.
It is important to know that thyroid medication can be life-saving and sometimes necessary. But, we still believe lifestyle changes can significantly and positively impact your thyroid imbalances.
Diet Changes
Lifestyle Changes
Supplement Changes
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