Most people think “to detox” means to go on some crash juice cleanse or pop some calorie-cutting pills. That’s actually not the case! Detoxification is a process that happens within the body in order for it to rid itself of toxins.
How do you detox your body?
As it turns out, your body is detoxing for you all the time! Your body naturally detoxes through six organs: the skin, gut, liver and bile ducts, lungs, lymphatic system and kidneys. All toxins are “captured,” filtered, and drained out of the body through these six organs, or drainage pathways.
Supporting the Body’s Natural Detox Processes
While the body is constantly detoxing, it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to uplevel our detox efforts. You’ve probably seen many of these things in the wellness space on the Internet – saunas, red light therapy (use code DUKESWELLNESS) and PEMF mats (use code TAYLOR15)). Those are all wonderful, but they can also be incredibly expensive. And I want you to know these aren’t the only ways you can improve your body’s ability to naturally detox!
You can aid your body’s detox processes without breaking the bank, and I’m going to show you how!
- Hydration: Drink 80 oz. of filtered water daily. My go-to water filter is Aquasana (use code AQTDW50). We have a reverse osmosis filter with remineralizer and everywhere we go, we bring our water bottles filled with it! Add in electrolytes to take your hydration up a notch!
- Sweating: Find a way to sweat at least 3-4 times a week. Take a hot yoga class, play with your kids, go for a run…whatever you love!
- Get fresh air and sunlight: Get outside daily for your dose of better quality air and sunshine! Outdoor air is almost always cleaner than indoor air, and being outdoors is a fantastic way to breathe easier, get moving, and up your body’s Vitamin D levels.
- Eat plenty of fiber: At least 2 servings of cruciferous veggies daily, which will improve your fiber intake while providing nutrients with super detox power. These are great fiber-rich recipes for breakfast and dinner. It also helps with bowel regularity – you should be having a bowel movement at least daily. This is so important for proper detoxification.
- Gua sha: You can make this a part of your morning routine with my favorite stone (use code TAYLORDUKES). This gets lymph moving, decreases puffiness, and bonus, it even improves fine lines and wrinkles.
- Abdominal breathing: Setting aside a few minutes to do this can improve lung function and detox along with naturally reducing stress! I break down the techniques I use here.
- Sleep: Get at least 8 hours of sleep. This is when your body does its deepest detoxification, including the liver’s most extensive detox work.
- Bind: This supplement is an affordable but super impactful supplement to supercharge your detox. It literally binds to toxins, making them easier for your body to eliminate with fewer symptoms (gas, bloating, die-off, etc.). I like to take one capsule 30 minutes to an hour before the sauna. It’s also great to have on hand when traveling for parasite prevention.
- Coffee Enemas + TDW Pure Coffee: An easy way to increase the glutathione within your body and uplevel your detox to a whole new level. Coffee enemas are hugely beneficial for liver detox function. Read THIS ARTICLE if coffee enemas feel intimidating to you – I assure you, they’re not! It’s also important you use a clean, mold-free coffee. This is the one I am using!
- Movement: It’s free and easy and can be done almost anywhere. Movement is the best way to get your body’s lymphatic system pumping and circulation going. Circulation improves oxygenation, nutrient delivery, and detoxification processes. Sign up for a gym, take a new class, go on a walk, or buy a rebounder and bounce for 10-20 minutes a day!
When our toxic load becomes too large to handle, the body can become overburdened, which leads to clogged and sluggish detox pathways. This is when we can experience symptoms from poor liver detox like acne, rashes, fatigue, brain fog and more.
Our goal is to support our body by turning the points above into regular habits to keep detox pathways clear and toxins moving out of the body efficiently. And it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
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