Getting the stomach bug is AWFUL. The only thing worse than the stomach bug is when your kids get the stomach bug too! Then the entire house joins in for a Netflix marathon and taking turns for the bathroom- UGH.
I know you want to get rid of the stomach bug as fast a possible, so I’m sharing my go-to natural remedies for the stomach flu. Even if you don’t currently have a stomach bug, keep this in your back pocket for when that day comes- because it will come, unfortunately! You’ll thank me later for it.
First off, the stomach flu isn’t actually the flu. The stomach flu is commonly caused by viruses called the norovirus and rotavirus, and even parasites that are spread through contaminated food and water.
When you have a stomach bug, you get sick, run to the bathroom, sip on some liquids, and then the cycle starts again. Since it’s so contagious, your kiddos and partner join in, just making you want to climb under the covers and come out after 2 days.
The good news is that natural stomach flu remedies for toddlers are similar to what adults would do. As you go through these tips, you can try to incorporate them in a way that your little ones would like them too!
Muscle aches
Stomach Pains/Aches
Loss of appetite
If you’re experiencing this, I get it…you just want it to be over already! Here’s how to recover quickly from the stomach flu.
What is the quickest way to get rid of the stomach bug? It’s NOT antibiotics. Antibiotics will have no effect because this is a virus issue, not a bacteria issue. You can read more about the overuse and overprescription of antibiotics here.
Instead, you want to prioritize your gut health! First off, the stomach bug causes irritation and inflammation of your intestines. Addressing that issue should be your primary focus, as well as rehydrating from all the water loss.
Hydrate with Electrolytes
Eat Gut Healing Foods
Avoid Inflammatory Foods
Stomach Bug Healing Supplements
Allow Your Body to Rest
When you have the stomach bug, you tend to lose A LOT of water from constant diarrhea and vomiting. It’s vital that you replenish your body with healthy, hydrating liquids. Since you lose a significant amount of electrolytes as well, pick a healthy drink that includes them. This is a better option than just straight water because it’ll help your cells retain more water. Instead of grabbing for the artificially colored Gatorade (which has added sugars or artificial sweeteners), keep these electrolytes on hand. My TDW Electrolytes are made with real fruit, organic coconut water powder and high-quality, unprocessed salt plus no sugar, natural flavors, artificial flavors or artificial colors. Kids love them, too!
Natural remedies for the stomach flu should focus mainly diet. When you have the stomach flu, you may not have an appetite for a day or two. At the beginning, sipping on liquids should be the first step. You don’t want to over bombard your gut if it’s still trying to get everything out. Then, you can focus on what to eat after the stomach bug starts to settle down, once you can actually retain food.
This is my first go-to. Bone broth is super easy to digest (aka easy on your gut) and packed full of nutrients. Bone broth contains TONS of gut-healing properties (from glutamine, collagen, glycine, proline, and minerals) that will help heal your gut lining and restore any damage that has been caused. Click here to try FOND BROTH and get 20% off using code: TAYLORDUKES.
Mom hack: If your little ones, unfortunately, have the stomach bug, you can heat up some bone broth and put it in their sipping cup.
Fresh Ginger
Ginger is a great natural nausea relief. You can grate up some fresh ginger root and add raw honey in a hot cup of water to sip on. If you have ginger tea that is great too!
Apple Sauce and Bananas
These are both easy to digest and contain pectin, which helps soothe your digestive tract and reduces diarrhea symptoms.
Fresh or Frozen Pineapple
Pineapples contain a special enzyme called bromelain. It aids in digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties- just what your gut needs! Avoid grabbing for the canned or packaged pineapple which is filled with sugars and syrup.
The last thing you want to do is aggravate your stomach even more and cause further inflammation.
Avoid these foods when recovering from the stomach bug
Excess sugar
Dairy Products
Foods that are spicy, fatty, or greasy are a no-go
Probiotics will be a game-changer. Probiotics help supply your gut with beneficial bacteria that encourages healthy digestion and bowel movements. A virus can impact your gut microbiome, so it’s vital to keep it balanced. Probiotics also help prevent long-term GI issues linked to dysbiosis. You can shop probiotics from Taylor Dukes Wellness HERE.
Charcoal is known to help detox the body of toxins and bacteria. Taking charcoal can help eliminate any excess invaders that make your body work harder. Let’s have your body focus on healing rather than playing defense! I love bind from my store. You can shop it HERE.
My GI Immune powder is my favorite! This is important to take after the stomach bug hits so you don’t keep getting it or relapsing. It contains dairy-free immunoglobulins that supports a healthy mucosal barrier and immune system.
This is safe for the whole family, including babies and pregnant mamas. Boiron makes it so easy and accessible you can usually find these at local grocery stores or health food stores. I personally love having arsenicum album on hand and will take at the onset of any family members symptoms as well as charcoal.
Peppermint, Ginger/Tumeric and Chamomile Tea
Chamomile has soothing effects and also has antimicrobial activity, while peppermint is known to help calm a queasy stomach. One of my favorite brands is Tulsi Tea and they have a great tumeric ginger tea as well. You can add a teaspoon of raw honey to either of these. Your toddler may love some warm sweet tea as well but avoid giving honey to your little peanut if they are under 1 year old.
When you have the stomach but, don’t try to push through it. It will take your body longer to heal. Instead, rest as much as possible! Prioritize your sleep and engage in relaxing activities. I highly recommended an Epsom salt bath or TDW Ultimate Detox Bath.
Not only is it incredibly relaxing and will feel good with the hot water on your stomach, but the Epsom salt can (1) aid in detoxification to help rid the nasty bugs in your GI tract and (2) give you a magnesium boost which will be much needed!
The stomach flu usually lasts 24-48 hours. But these natural remedies can help speed up the recovery and help your gut the days after it has passed so you can get back to your normal daily activities. Be aware that a stomach bug could possibly lead to long-term problems like postinfectious IBS and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) so it’s essential to address it right away and take care of it properly.
Keep these go-to natural remedies for the stomach flu in a safe spot to use in the future. Then you won’t have to guess what to eat when you have a stomach bug, questioning if it’ll help or hurt your already painful stomach issues.
If you want more tips for quick relief and natural remedies, follow me on Instagram if you aren’t already!
If you need access to a stool test, a gut health expert, and personalized protocols, the Get Your Gut Right program might be the right fit for you. This is a comprehensive health reset program that also focuses on nutrition, detox pathways, the nervous system, clean environment, and more. Click HERE to learn more.
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