The holidays can be a time of elevated joy, excitement and fun. But on the other hand, holidays are also often a time of disrupted routines, inconsistent schedules, reduced sleep and indulgence on foods you wouldn’t regularly eat.
I want to offer you a few tools to move through the holidays with both joy and health. It’s possible to engage in festivities, make core memories, and still nourish your body and well being.
Wellness always starts at the foundation level. Holiday season or not, I’d encourage you to dive into content on my blog and Instagram that will equip you to make healthful decisions at the most basic level – sleeping well, eating a non-processed and nutrient-dense diet, moving your body, getting outside, taking care of your nervous system and hydrating properly. Do your best during the holidays to prioritize these foundations of wellbeing.
What I really want to touch on today are holiday and festive-specific tips that might give you a leg up on feeling your best this holiday season!
1. Prioritize sleep always, but especially if you know you’ll be out late for an upcoming party or gathering. I do my best to go to bed a little earlier (along with putting my kids down a little earlier!) if I know I’ll be traveling in the coming week or attending some sort of event that will have us out late.
2. Be mindful of your calendar. It’s so easy to overcommit during the holidays. Can I offer you a line? → “We’d absolutely love to join, but I need to see what we have going that week and get back to you. I’m so touched you thought of us!” Then, take time to look at not just the party/event to which you were invited, but your calendar as a whole! One late night event could be a lot of fun! Three late night events in one week could be exhausting. Everyone has different capacities and is in different stages of life – do what is healthiest for you and your family.
3. Focus on the start of your day, whether at home or traveling. Can you solidify a consistent wake-up time, a little bit of morning sunlight and starting your day with prayer and gratitude? That will set the course for the rest of the day! Regardless of if you’re home or traveling, it’s usually easier to stick to a routine in the morning than it is later in the day when things start to get busy. Set the tone for the rest of your day with a good start!
4. Stick to the routines you can. Just because you might not be able to hit your usual morning yoga class while you’re visiting in-laws doesn’t mean you can’t pack your supplements (or even your mat!), hydrate well, and get a little movement. Consider the good routines you already have, and stick to the ones you’re able to.
Some of the routines I bring with me wherever I go include eating protein at every meal and hydrating optimally with electrolytes daily.
5. Get outside for light movement whenever possible, especially if traveling. Want to catch up with a relative? Ask if she’d like to go for a short walk while chatting! Offer to be the one to bring the kids to a park for a little while. Be creative in trying to incorporate movement and fresh air as you can.
6. Pack your goods when traveling. Have you made the jump to non-toxic products? Do you have a good supplement routine? Do you sleep better at night when you spend a few minutes in front of your little red light (use code DUKESWELLNESS)? Pack them! I love to pack things like electrolytes, supplements, healthy snacks, my own coffee, filtered water, and more.
7. Bring a dish or eat beforehand if you’re going to a party/gathering where you’re not sure what the food situation will be. Bring a giant green salad or a big bowl of roasted veggies. If not, be sure to eat a healthy protein-rich snack beforehand in case you don’t feel good about what is being offered. Remember, it’s always okay to politely and obscurely decline food.
Some of my favorite protein-rich snacks are sliced deli meat with veggies, a quick shake with TDW Bone Broth Protein, and Paleovalley sticks (use code TAYLORDUKES). Some of my favorite recipes to bring include: Buffalo Chicken Meatballs, Green Goddess Salad, The Ultimate Kale Salad, and Roasted Beet Hummus.
8. Choose your alcohol wisely. Better yet, don’t drink alcohol! But hey, if you do choose to drink, go with something that won’t give you a sugar high and leave you feeling icky the next morning. You’ll definitely want to check out this post for what to do if you plan to drink and which alcoholic beverages are better choices than others.
9. Take rest timeouts. Sound childish? Honestly, a timeout can be the best thing you could do for yourself! If you’re traveling, hosting, or just feeling a little worn down from all the festivities, it’s okay to ask for a solo walk, a nap, or just ten minutes to sit quietly in a bedroom by yourself.
10. Supplement to boost your immune system. Instead of fearing gathering with larger groups of people during cold and flu season, be proactive in boosting your immunity! A great start would be to take these Immune Bundle supplements for a couple weeks leading up to the holidays and a few weeks following!
And finally, don’t throw in the towel on your health if you happen to have one “bad” meal, morning or day. It’s okay to get out of routine. It’s okay to eat things you normally wouldn’t. What you want to avoid is turning one indulgent decision into a habit.
Always, always focus on the next best decision – for yourself, your health and your ability to show up to the holidays in a way that makes you feel good and honors your body.
Sending you my warmest wishes for a happy and healthy holidays.